Autism Ribbon

Autism Ribbon
Looking for the the rest of the puzzle


Friday, November 19, 2010

Praising Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, I Worship You

Good morning to all,

Yes Dunkin' Donuts coffee is the world's best coffee ever -not a paid spokes person, because who cares what I have to say- Dunkin' Donuts coffee has kept me going this week!  I got home on Wednesday night from school around 11pm, got to bed around midnight then had to up at 4:30 am out the door by 5 am and back in Springfield by 7 am.  I would not have been able to do this without the help of Dunkin' Donuts coffee.  The day it started to sold in grocery stores was the day I knew I was going to heaven and God loved me.  We have none of their stores close; so I thank you Dunkin' Donuts for this brilliant marketing plan, wonderful!

So about my morning yesterday, when I was coming home from Springfield the night before I saw maybe four or five cars on the road once I left the city; I noticed yesterday morning it was still dark like the night before but there many more cars out and about.  I thought to myself these people must know something I do not; I thought about following them to see where there were going, where do they live, what is it they were doing out so early in the morning, WHAT was it all about?  Then it hit me; Early to bed early to raise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise -you know Ben Franklin's words of wisdom. 

These people are whom he was referring to.  Maybe I should be up and out more often in the morning and go to bed much earlier at night; maybe I would not be broke at this time and trying to get through school and out going back to Springfield to take a PT test for a job.  A job that over sixty other people came to apply for also.  Yes it was an epiphany for me!!!  So I will start on Monday to be up early, go to bed early then by Tuesday morning my life should have changed, right.  By the way I passed the PT test, which was intensive; they lost half of the applicants with that. Not as much competition for the job now, yes maybe I stand a chance yet. 

By the way, shotgun season is here!  Or firearms, which ever you prefer to call it.  The deer are going to hide in my barn with the skunk.  Two of the deer bit the dust in the woods behind my house this morning.  To all the hunters have at it, you are doing your part to keep the roads safer.  Thank you!

Have a great day,
Just Me


  1. I have recently become a coffee addict... I'll have to try it. We have seattle's best. It's pretty tasty I think ;)

  2. I hear that is pretty good too, but no coffee can beat Dunkin' Donuts!

  3. guess i'll have to try it. i get mine for free at work tho lol i need to work at dunkin donuts!

  4. btw....i like the background on here. it's very avett brothers-esque.
