Autism Ribbon

Autism Ribbon
Looking for the the rest of the puzzle


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nov 16, 2010 Royal Wedding, and a lost Hydrogen Bomb, What?

Good Morning to all!  It is just before 9 am here and I have all ready had a busy day and been up for hours.  I will not get home tonight until around midnight and have to up again tomorrow by 6 am.  By the time I get home on Wednesday night I am dragging, Thursdays are even worse.  Oh well I wanted to do this; someone please just remind me why?  Ugggg...

Well anyway, when I got up this morning the first thing I heard on the news was the Prince is getting married, WHAT really?  Why is this news and is it really news to any of us; were any of you shocked when you heard this?  Geezzz, we have been hearing about this for ever now haven't we?  The couple (the prince and soon to be wife) must be so sick of all of us wanting to know their business.  What is wrong with all of us?  Ok, I have to tell you the truth, when they do get married if I am at home I will probably watch it, lol.  I am just as bad.

Did any of you know that in the 1950's the US Air Force lost a hydrogen bomb off the coast off GA?  According to a documentary I watched last night they did and are still looking for it.  What, please go look for it and find it; these are things we do not want just laying at the bottom of the ocean, right are you with me on this one?

On that I bid you good day, make it a great one,
Just Me

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