Autism Ribbon

Autism Ribbon
Looking for the the rest of the puzzle


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nov. 30, 2010 Did Anyone See the Story About Facebook on GMA?

Did anyone see the story this morning about Facebook on Good Morning America?  OK well they did not come out and say it is evil, like my husband says, but they might as well have.  There was not one good thing said about facebook in the story.  It talked about how the flirting starts out innocently enough, but what happens when you do not put a stop to it.  Okay well my husband is not crazy; I know some of you may still think so, but that would be for different reasons - like when he keeps saying to someones dog "who is the big sweetie" in that crazy voice. 

Now I know facebook is what you do with it, I get that; but there is something to this.  So be careful with what you do, it can get away from you. 

Of course I did not get my homework done yesterday; my ADD does not let sit for very long at a time.  I did get it close though.  Maybe a couple more hours, then I will need to practice it since it is an oral presentation.  Maybe I will luck out and I will not get picked tomorrow night to do mine, maybe I will have another week.  That's what I need, lol

Have a Great Day,
Just Me


  1. Some people ruin it for everybody.... :(

  2. Good you know more about Fidel Castro than you EVER wanted to know :D And Facebook is no a bad site if you know what you are doing...That sucks that they had noghing good to say about it though. You can find so many old frinds and family to keep in touch that way.
