Autism Ribbon

Autism Ribbon
Looking for the the rest of the puzzle


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The end of the Semester is coming, John Deere

I have been no where, sorry busy around the house and trying to finish up the semester.  Yes the semester, I can not wait for it to be over with.  Could anyone out there remind me why I am doing this to myself, it is torture self inflicted; there must be a diagnosis in there some where.  I have gotten very good at self medicating though; yes it is called over eating- oh no now I have another diagnosis.  Please I must stop this!

Kidding aside, I have two papers left and only one exam to take.  Oh yea, and to give my presentation on Fidel Castro; we must not forget about him - tomorrow night he will be over.  That will be one class down and three more to go.  I can see the light, yes I see the light!!! 

My Christmas tree is up, lights on but no decorations yet.  Maybe I will leave it like that, the kids do not want to help.  I do have my John Deere tree up though, it is great!

1 comment:

  1. I think the correct diagnosis would be something along the lines of wanting to make some money after a few years of torture... How was your presentation?
